
We work for the integration and inclusion of people in risk of exclusion, people with mental disabilities, and disadvantaged learners.

Elderly Care

Our residence for elder people "Santa Clara", located in Loja, has a capacity of 30 beds, of which 20 are subsidized by the Junta de Andalucía.

Adult Education

As an educational and social centre, we provide regular vocational training courses and different courses for workers, for the unemployed, and for migrants.

Our network

Over 20 years working with organisations across Europe

Our projects are supported by a strong network of European organisations working on social care, inclusion and education.

Since 2014 our institution has been actively involved within the Erasmus Plus Program implementing different projects to improve the abilities of young people and to integrate collectives in risk of social exclusion. We have also developed projects in the field of key competences, developing online courses for the promotion of digital competences.
Our institution has also carried out mobility projects for the teachers belonging to our centre.

Latest Erasmus+ projects developed with our European partners

It's You

It's You is an amazing eu project to promote the sense of community and increase the processes of participation (online and offline). The project works in particular with YWs involved in intercultural education.

VIPTechJob: Time 2 Act

This project is addressed to visually impaired people (VIPs) and aims to support their inclusion and integration through employment, while also promoting active citizenship and lifelong learning.

Diversity Capacities

The Project “DiversityCapacities (DivCap)” aims to support and promote inclusion and diversity in adult education. It aims at a comprehensive approach which involves the adult education centre as a whole, not only the classroom setting

Smart Tools for Inclusive Teaching in VET

The purpose of STIT project is to enhance both teachers and students: the teachers who need compasses, tools and environment to operate at their best in the contemporary reality and students so that they can put the world they belong to (the technological one) at the service of their learning, with their skills and practices.

Wonder Women Works

The main objective of this project is to support, through learning, the professional and personal development of women with disabilities in Europe and beyond, thus contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, promoting innovation and strengthening the European identity and active citizenship.


The main aim of the project ADD@ME, is to develop an innovative, digital and adapted EU model to foster the active participation and social inclusion of young people with visual impairments engaging them as Ambassadors of Diversity and non-Discrimination.

Work for Inclusion project logo

Work for Inclusion

The overall goal of Work for Inclusion is to increase the number of employed young people with Down syndrome in employment across Europe and to promote their active citizenship, along with the development of key competencies for lifelong learning.

Diverse Courses Project Logo

Diverse Courses

Diverse Courses is an international collaborative project that aims to enhance inclusion and diversity in adult education. By developing practical tools and resources for educators, the project focuses on understanding the diverse needs of learners and equipping educators with strategies to create inclusive learning environments where everyone can thrive.

Different but sharing the same dreams

Different but sharing the same dreams

Teachers' skills to work with pupils with special educational needs are not always adequately trained during initial training in universities. Therefore, we propose as a general objective "Developing strategies for accepting education in the field of acceptance of differences and tolerance of others".

InCASA Project Logo

Inclusive Camino de Santiago

The "Inclusive Camino de Santiago" project aims to make the Camino pilgrimage more accessible to young people with disabilities. We will develop a web app with route information, a training platform for caregivers and youth workers, and a documentary to raise awareness. The project partners will also organise an LTTA in Spain, providing a real-life pilgrimage experience.

Skills for All - Project logo

Skills for All

This project addresses the barriers faced by people with disabilities in obtaining fulfilling employment. Our focus is on practical outcomes: developing disability-inclusive courses, offering teacher training, and equipping people with disabilities with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

Become our partner

Contact our European Projects department and provide us with some information about your organisation and the topics you are interested in. We will find sinergies!

    in action

    Our team meeting with our partners


    Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

    • Location

      Calle Padre Villoslada, 2,
      18140 La Zubia, Granada,

    • Line Phone

      +34 958590002 Ext. 6