Skills for all

Building a future where everyone thrives: Making VET Disability-Inclusive

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Project Summary

Context and expected outcomes

People with disabilities face a significant employment gap and a higher risk of poverty. This EU project aims to address this critical issue by making Vocational Education and Training (VET) more inclusive. Our goal is to empower people with disabilities by improving access to VET, upskilling teachers, and fostering a more welcoming learning environment. We believe that removing barriers to education leads to a more equitable and prosperous society for all.

This pioneering project brings together stakeholders dedicated to improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities. We’re working to:

  • Build Capacity: Equip VET institutions with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to effectively teach students with disabilities.
  • Champion Change: Shape national policies and best practices ensuring disability-inclusive VET systems.
  • Create Opportunity: Empower people with disabilities to acquire in-demand skills for successful careers.


Activity 1

Project Management

This activity is considered the base on which the project will be built. It creates a vision and direction for the whole organisation of the project. All participants in the project must have clear goals and follow the same guidelines and mission of the project.

Activity 2

Consultation with employment services and social dialogue

This activity will be contributing to reaching the specific objectives of:
• Contribute to apply the enabling policies or strategies on the national level
• Avoid the pitfall of stereotyped, low expectations of people with disabilities in general
• Address the marginalization of people with disabilities in the labour market

Click on the links below to download the analysis of the situation of the inclusion of people with disabilities in Italy and Spain and a comparison report, in English and Spanish languages.

Activity 3

Material review and methodology from disability perspective and train the trainers

Specific objectives:
• Building the capacity of the VET workforce
• Better include people with disabilities in VET education
• Providing greater opportunities to develop skills and qualifications relevant to the local, regional and national labour
• Ensuring the quality and relevance of training
• Increasing access to training

Activity 4

Train the trainers and Piloting course with disabled people

In this activity the partners will run the trainings for the trainers and will pilot the modified courses inside of their classes. It is
considered the very main tool of reaching the objectives of the project, and above all make VET and skills development
institutions disability-inclusive.